Hey, Pk. I've been enjoying reading here: thanks so much for your comments on my page.
Since you're playing with formatting here, I thought you might want to know that your layout is totally different (i.e., unreadable) when loaded in Safari from how it is in IE: it's fine on IE for Mac, but for some reason, the beige-ish background doesn't load in Safari, so most of the links don't show at all as they are the same color, and the other text ends up with little contrast (it can be read if you highlight the whole page, but otherwise, it's very hard to see).
And, also, all of the text (including links) ends up centered (whereas much of it is left-aligned when I loaded it in IE). (Btw, if it weren't for the contrast issue, the background actually is REALLY cool - I love the border pattern and I also love the brown center; I originally thought it was just a poor font color choice until I tried loading it in IE just to see if maybe the contrast was greater there and I realized the whole layout was obviously intended to be different).
I hope you don't mind my mentioning it or think it sounds nitpicky or rude, but I figured that, if you don't have Safari or strictly use IE or other non-standard browser (it looks like you're using the AOL browser, yes?), you'd probably never know there were problems with some other browsers (I'm not sure what happens with Firefox or some of the others, but I suspect there may be issues there as well). [I'm hoping someone lets me know if my page ends up funky in any other browsers as well!] .
Hopefully you can fix it fairly easily, with just changing a line or two of code. If not, hey, I guess now I have a use for the previously virgin IE.
Hey, Pk. I've been enjoying reading here: thanks so much for your comments on my page.
ReplyDeleteSince you're playing with formatting here, I thought you might want to know that your layout is totally different (i.e., unreadable) when loaded in Safari from how it is in IE: it's fine on IE for Mac, but for some reason, the beige-ish background doesn't load in Safari, so most of the links don't show at all as they are the same color, and the other text ends up with little contrast (it can be read if you highlight the whole page, but otherwise, it's very hard to see).
And, also, all of the text (including links) ends up centered (whereas much of it is left-aligned when I loaded it in IE). (Btw, if it weren't for the contrast issue, the background actually is REALLY cool - I love the border pattern and I also love the brown center; I originally thought it was just a poor font color choice until I tried loading it in IE just to see if maybe the contrast was greater there and I realized the whole layout was obviously intended to be different).
I hope you don't mind my mentioning it or think it sounds nitpicky or rude, but I figured that, if you don't have Safari or strictly use IE or other non-standard browser (it looks like you're using the AOL browser, yes?), you'd probably never know there were problems with some other browsers (I'm not sure what happens with Firefox or some of the others, but I suspect there may be issues there as well). [I'm hoping someone lets me know if my page ends up funky in any other browsers as well!] .
Hopefully you can fix it fairly easily, with just changing a line or two of code. If not, hey, I guess now I have a use for the previously virgin IE.