Dr. Suess

"And will you succeed? Yes indeed! Yes indeed! Ninety Eight and Three Quarters guarenteed!"

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Blog Counters

Pearls and Dreams

Ok, I've got a couple of different blog counters on my side bar. When I put them there, I went to blog explosion and saw how many hits I had. I had 188, so that's what I started the blog counters with.

So, both, blogpatrol & the sign one (which I can't remember what blog counter it's from, but it came with an ad! whoops!) started at 188.

It didn't take me long to figure out, blog counters are not equal!!!!
Blogpatrol is at 756 and the sign language one is at 1002!

So ...by the sign one, I've hit 1000 visitors ...by blogpatrol, I still have a ways to go ....sigh.


  1. i just added a second counter because it had few features that were not available in the first. i have noticed that it is consistenly recognizing fewer hits than sitemeter. :(

    glad you enjoyed the phil mickelson... left off the comments for obvious reasons!!!

  2. Chicken! ;)

    Yea, well, if I could come up with some stuff ... I can just imagine how out of control it could get. So, I guess, I don't blame you. (said with best pout.)
