Dr. Suess

"And will you succeed? Yes indeed! Yes indeed! Ninety Eight and Three Quarters guarenteed!"

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Short Ponderings

Pearls and Dreams

I hope short anyway ;)

My cat that had the kitten has been teased about having "species identity crisis". We've joked that she doesn't know if she's a cat, an ostrich, monkey, bear, dog ... she behaves as if she's just about any animal on the planet.

It's only fitting that not only does her kitten have the markings of a cow, but she's as BIG as a cow ... this poor kitten is never going to walk, she's all body, her skinny little legs are never going to support this huge cow like body and head. Her eyes are open, round and she has a definite cowlike expression. Betsy, seems very fitting a name.

Saturday Morning, I go to Oklahoma City to a very big church. I haven't been to it. I'm going to a children's ministers conference that is being hosted by our State Board of Education (Church of God, Anderson,Indiana ..denomination)and it is being held at Crossings Community Church. I've been hearing about this church for years ..but I've never been. I feel like I'm going to see a celebrity or something. (grin) .

I need to remember to pick up their church newsletter, it has an article about a ministry on dogscatskidslife's blog that I'm very interested in ... I spent almost an hour back and forth emailing with the director last night. Now as long as I can remember to pick it up, and not get back here, open this blog, see this and THEN remember to get the newsletter!

I'm actually very excited to go to the workshop. It's just the children's pastor and I going. I wish there was more from the children's department besides the two of us going, but it will be a fun day ..and we should get lots of planning done between the two of us as well as lots of learning. Our children's pastor is one of the breakout session presenters. So, I will be attending breakout sessions to glean information for her.

Speaking of which, I should spend less time blogging, and more time editing the article I wrote for Children's Ministry Magazine ... it's not getting closer to submission till I make the changes ... hmmm


  1. Sounds like it will be a good thing for you

  2. You'll love the church. It is absolutely gorgeous.

    Have a great day.


  3. Hey there...I know it is now 1-2-07, but I just came across your posting. I attend Crossings and have for 10 years. Attended Capital Hill COG before that.

    Did you enjoy that conference? I was recently elected to the OK COG state Board of Ed and we are planning a worship conference for early this year.

    Anyway, feel free to stop by my place sometime.
