Dr. Suess

"And will you succeed? Yes indeed! Yes indeed! Ninety Eight and Three Quarters guarenteed!"

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Rainy Days

Pearls and Dreams

A Rainy Day

A rainy day,
so cold, so wet.
A hot chocolate day,
to warm me up,
A staying inside day,
Just to dream,
and wonder,
and love.

A rainy day,
so cold, so wet.
A different day,
From all the rest.
Made just for me,
to dream,
and wonder,
and love.

© 1981 Peggikaye Eagler

Today, it is raining ... pouring actually. Cold.
It's dark and it reminds me of days that my daddy and I would be snuggled up in blankets in the living room and drink hot chocolate and eat popcorn.

He'd be in his recliner ..and I'd most likely be on the floor by the sliding glass door watching the rain. I have no idea where my mom and sister were during these times. Debbie might have been in her own room, and mom in the sewing room. Mom, was most likely at work. If I got cold, I could grab my blanket and climb into Dad's lap for a while. I was too squirmy to be content to stay there for long.

I wrote this poem a couple of years after he died. With all the poems I've written, this remains my mom's favorites. Today, would be one of those days that would be snuggled in a blanket ... chores suspended ...and enjoying hearing God's watering the earth ...and being together. A day just to dream, and wonder and love.

Whatever the weather is doing where you are ... take some time ...to dream, and wonder ..and love.


  1. i hope the dreams for the rest of the day remain as good as this one

  2. I like rain and a warm blanket too. Someday you will be able to curl up in someones arms again. Trouble

  3. Wanderful, I have someone *grin* however, skinny hubby and daddy aren't quite the same thing.


    Jumping, I hope you have a wonderful day!

  4. Beautiful post ... beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing that wonderful memory!

  5. Hi PK..beautiful words once again..Hope you are feeling better.

    I had to laugh when I read you LOVE PT.. I hated it! Maybe we can work out a deal when I have my other knee replaced where you can do my PT for me? I really didn't mind PT for all the other knee surgeries but not this last one for the replacement. It was brutal. Pool therapy was wonderful so I will go to that you can just do my clinic PT...Deal?
