Dr. Suess

"And will you succeed? Yes indeed! Yes indeed! Ninety Eight and Three Quarters guarenteed!"

Sunday, December 05, 2004

One protects his dream, One just begins to dare to dream hers ...

Pearls and Dreams

Today, I had the pleasure of having lunch with my pastor, his 2 daughters (his 15 year old has down's syndrome) and 2 other couples from church and a gentleman from India. His father was the founder of a Bible College there, and KV lived here in Oklahoma when his Father died, and he, being the oldest, had to go home to India to take over the College.

I felt so sorry for KV, he was distracted, and you could tell, that while he'd torn his heart to go home however many years ago it was ... the only place on earth he wanted to be today ..was in India. See, there is a group of people, did not quite understand who, through the accent, are standing, literally right outside the college, with bull dozers and wrecking balls, the college is being demanded to pay $50,000 or it will be torn down. The college was paid off years ago, and they do not owe such a debt, but the people in charge, do not care, and they expect Christians to follow the Bible and 'Turn the other Cheek'.
The only reason the bull dozers have not plowed through ... is because it is full of people ..gathered in prayer, they cannot leave the property to go home, to get food, to get drinks, to change clothes, to clean up, they cannot leave, or the buildings will be demolished. So they stay. So they pray.

KV spoke today, he was scheduled to speak on sharing Joy around the world, and yet, his heart was breaking. Our pastor asked that we gather around him and pray, very few adults went forward ... because our youth group, jumped up and gathered around him 9 kids deep before any adults had the chance to. Everyone of us, who has a teen in the youth group, were rather humbled by the eagerness in which our children jumped up to pray for this man with the thick accent, from a foreign country, talking about things they could not relate to. Pray they did. It was a very sweet moment in our church!

Lunch time, we got to hear more of the story, and see more of this Godly man's inner strength, and joy up close. His brother, Abraham, sitting quietly next to him, smiling, yet obviously, not here ... he was obviously in prayer, how I know, I'm not sure .. it just was so apparent even though I never saw his mouth move, or heard a sound. Even my 12 year old son asked me if Abraham had been praying through lunch. But then again, Benjamin is quite the little prayer warrior, so, maybe the kindred spirit of the two touched hearts. Abraham told Benjamin when we left ... keep gentle, keep praying and keep smiling. He needed to hear that as he enters adolescence!

I got to talk to one of my favorite little girls at church, my pastor's daughter. I have 2 favorites, one is one of my best friends little girl, Jessi, and the other is my pastor's younger daughter. She's been my doll since she was 3. She's now 10 and in the 3rd grade. She talked about school and how she wants to be a textile designer when she grows up. She asked me if I thought she'd still want to be that when she grows up because she really hopes so, I told her that when I was in 4th grade, I wanted to write for Jesus, and that's what I'm doing. So yes, it is possible to know at her age what you want to do. When I was her age, I wanted to write and to be a doctor. The doctor would have been cool, and I probably would have pursued that, had I not had to take algebra!

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