Dr. Suess

"And will you succeed? Yes indeed! Yes indeed! Ninety Eight and Three Quarters guarenteed!"

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Blogger Idol .. week 4 ... Resolutions

Pearls and Dreams

New Years 2005
It's approaching quickly and of coarse, the subject of resolutions has come up. We discussed this at my small group Friday night and when it came around the table to me, I said that my resolutions are backwards ...

I spent years and years making resolutions that I could never ever live up to. I set goals and ideals so high that I'd never be able to reach them. Two weeks into the year, I'd have realized that once again, I failed miserably, which did nothing but confirm that I was a miserable excuse for a human being.

A few years ago, I changed my resolutions. I turned the tables upside down on myself. I decided that deciding that I was going to get down to my perfect weight, or stop biting my nails, that I was going to read 200 books, or whatever else the goal was ... was just setting myself up for failure and I was done tripping myself.

So ...
I set my New Years Resolutions in a new way ... and I will do this every year for the rest of my life.
I cannot fail at these.
I cannot help but to succeed.
I might not get as far as I'd like, but I will proceed ... and next year, I will be farther down my journey's path than I am today.

My resolutions?
I look at what my strengths are instead of weaknesses. I look deep inside ... and I find the area's that I excel at, and I promise to work at becoming superior. I look for the area's that I am very good at, and I work at becoming excellent. I look for the area's that I am good at, and I work at becoming very good. I will look for the area's that I am proficient in, and work at becoming good. I will look for the area's that I am learning about and work at becoming proficient.

With this step stone approach, the focus becomes on the positives in my life. With the focus on the positives, the negatives don't have the room to grow.

New Years Changes
by Peggikaye Eagler

We make the lists,
Of what we want to change,
Our faults we number,
Bad to mild, we cover the range.

We start out strong,
Our goal firmly set,
Determination our coarse,
Standing strong, we don't fret.

In our own strength,
We try to break our habits,
Holding our breath forever,
To win, we are desperate.

Would it not make sense,
To give to God our weaknesses?
Focus on our strength instead,
Saving us from our messes?

When looking at our strengths,
The good qualities to improve,
The bad things surrendered,
Up the ladder, we will move!

below was just a regular blog


  1. Hey what a great idea! It seems kind of obvious, and yet I hadn't thought of it! Nice job!

  2. I like and agree with the concept of changing your mindset so that see things as areas for further improvement rather than weaknesses.

    The former is definitely more positive than the latter. And as they say it takes less energy to smile than be miserable, so it makes sense to focus on the positives in your life.

    I'll link to your blog so that I coem back more often.
