Dr. Suess

"And will you succeed? Yes indeed! Yes indeed! Ninety Eight and Three Quarters guarenteed!"

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Blogger Idol

Travel ... As a rule, I don't like to travel. But there are a few things I would be willing to leave my hometown for. A meeting with Max Lucado. A trip to Yosemite National Park ... I grew up there, I miss it terribly. I would travel to meet certain friends ... my friend Kelly and Sam (girl) from high school. I would definitely travel to meet a couple of friends that I've met on line... Deneice (The Journey) and Erin & Erin, Wings in Canada ... a few others. All I can think of when I think of traveling is the discomfort ... the cramped space, the uncomfortable, unfamiliar bed, the whatever ... the change in routine. But ya know, there is a road that I'm traveling that's hard, and uncomfortable, but every day, I push on, and I climb higher, and deeper, and it becomes more difficult and more rewarding with each step. Growth. Growth as an adult ..the journey into adulthood ... a bit late for me to start, I'm already 40, but I waited till I was 36 to start. The eating disorder kept me in my tight little box, and kept me from looking out, taking up my suitcase, stepping out ... traveling the hard road of adult life. I'm doing it now, and there are days when I want to scream "BUT I NEVER AGREED TO TAKE THIS ROAD!!!!!!" Then there are days, when I see the rough road, I see the rocks, I see the dips, valleys and traps on the side, and I look at the surroundings ... I see the mountainous heights the road leads to, I see the trees that line the rocky road, I see the creek that God has provided for me to rest beside when the road gets just too rough. I see the rocks that try to block the path, and when I look closer, I see they are colors, of black, and browns of every tone, some gold ones, some red ones, grays of deep, light and almost white, and I see the beauty in the rocks, meant to trip, or so I thought ... and I realize, that I get stronger when I climb over them, they are there to help me get stronger, even if they are not placed there by the Creator ... He will use them to help me grow stronger. When I get tired, and the road seems dark, and desolate, I become afraid and terrified, but I'm looking down, and I see only the red dirt of the path, not the beauty of the road. When I look at the bigger picture ... I can see that while it may not be easy, it is beautiful, and worth the trip. Eventually, I will reach the summit, and when I am there, I will be able to look back at the beauty that was the struggle ... and rejoice in the traveled road.

1 comment:

  1. May the Lord grant you many places to stop and reflect this year, many places to see the beauty, yes, but also to see how very far you have already travelled!!

    Be blessed, girl!
