Dr. Suess

"And will you succeed? Yes indeed! Yes indeed! Ninety Eight and Three Quarters guarenteed!"

Friday, September 22, 2006

Pearls and Dreams

Pearls and Dreams

Thank you Deneice at The Journey ....

Your Linguistic Profile:
60% General American English
15% Dixie
10% Upper Midwestern
5% Midwestern
5% Yankee


  1. Your Linguistic Profile:
    70% General American English
    15% Yankee
    10% Upper Midwestern
    0% Dixie
    0% Midwestern

  2. Your Linguistic Profile:
    60% General American English
    15% Yankee
    10% Dixie
    10% Upper Midwestern
    0% Midwestern

  3. Your Linguistic Profile:
    70% General American English
    20% Yankee
    5% Upper Midwestern
    0% Dixie
    0% Midwestern

    I must live near Raine! lol
