Dr. Suess

"And will you succeed? Yes indeed! Yes indeed! Ninety Eight and Three Quarters guarenteed!"

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

How did I get here?

A little over a year ago, I was posting about starting to sing with a special choir for a spring cantada for the prayer service. I swore that was it. I was done singing when it was over! It had been so very difficult.

My service in worship ministries far from over ...just my vocal service. My voice is gone ...and it takes too much out of me and is far too scary for me and too taxing to do the vocal part of worship ministries.

So ... here we are ... a week and a half before Easter and I've got a CD on .. listening to the soprano part of the music to One Holy Lamb ...because I've been talked into singing with an ensamble!

A few weeks back, I was minding my own business before they settled down to their first practice ... doing something 'gophery' with my gopher job ...and the leader says "Peggi, will you join us" I stood there frozen. Literally. While a couple of my friends started to cheer me on to say yes. I couldn't figure out a graceful way of saying no without embarrassing one of the sweetest, kindest women I've ever ahd the pleasure of knowing.

It seems, that, she'd considered asking me earlier, and started to call me, and then decided to wait and ask me in person on Wednesday night. I guess, her spirit must have known that I needed to be on the spot in order to say yes. Had she asked me on email, as she wanted to do to begin with, I would have respectfully declined. Had she asked me on the phone, I would have politely declined. She, is convinced, I am supposed to be a part of this. (although, she didn't know I would have turned her down in any other situation till I emailed her later that night and told her so.)

I can hit every note, I have the music almost memorized. It's not like the tenor part I was singing last year, where I couldn't HEAR my part ... and so I didn't know the music. Where, I if I couldn't hear the person singing next to me I didn't know what I was to be singing. I know my part ...mostly. On one song tonight, I was the only soprano there, all of the other ones were late ...and I even sang the part myself, alone, and held it ...and sang it! (to quote Miss Moof) *cough*

But I am one of sixteen singers ... one of five soprano's ... and their voices are so beautiful, so strong ...so WONDERFUL ... and mine .. is so ... just not up to snuff. I was scared enough, and then found out we're going to have individual mics ...ARGH!!!

I'd rather be signing. I haven't sang in a group this small since I was a teenager!!! I hope my mom enjoys it. It is beautiful Easter music.


  1. good luck with the singing.. i've never been any good with that so i can only respect those that can. Congrats on the kids doing so much better and hey I hope you enjoy that porch swing;)

  2. You'll have a great time.

    I know you will.

