Dr. Suess

"And will you succeed? Yes indeed! Yes indeed! Ninety Eight and Three Quarters guarenteed!"

Sunday, February 26, 2006

They Grew Up Around me!

Today, our pianist called me over to the piano for something. I had my tag hanging out of my dress. She said "you're definitely a member of Southpark." Something about our church invites the tags to hang out the back of dresses and blouses.

My first thought was "Well, I'm not a newbie anymore" Then it struck me .. I haven't been a newbie for quite some time! Why does it always feel like I am? Is this a good thing that it doesn't feel like I've been going to this church forever, when in fact, my children have grown up in the church?

I went into the gym where our youth group were having a pancake breakfast as a fundraiser. I looked at these kids, who were running around ... teenagers, just shy of adulthood ... where had the time gone?

Children running by ... kids who just recently, had been in the toddler nursery ...now well into elementary school, and children ... who .. I well remember when their parents announced their impending births .... running up to me to show me their new hair bow or to tell me about their new friend at school. At school?

Newbie? I can't be a newbie if a child I remember being a toddler is going to be in the Junior High next year ... or a child I remember before their parents met, is talking to me in clear, concise sentences.

My youngest son was not even in Kindergarten when we started. He's now ... in the 7th grade. That's a long time. The kids that are about to graduate from high school this year ... stepping into adulthood ...

Where did the time go? When did I become an entrenched member at my church? When did I become not new to my church? It still feels new ... fresh ... which, is a good thing. Watching these kids grow up ... does that mean I'm growing old?

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