Dr. Suess

"And will you succeed? Yes indeed! Yes indeed! Ninety Eight and Three Quarters guarenteed!"

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Almost done w/make over ..still need a hair cut

The new me ... back to make up ..after 20 years ... dyed my hair red ...and a new smile!
the old me ...dark teeth (although not chipping breaking yet) and dark hair)


  1. You look terrific! (And to maintain the younger look - although you didn't look old before - keep moisturizing!)

    Good luck as school starts again!

  2. ok Alison ..ready for it's a small world game?

    Your best friend works with my son (I met her by the way)...and she evidently has a little sister named Julie ...who is friends with my son Benjamin ... not connected w/Samuel and Allyson's job ..they met some other way!!!
