Dr. Suess

"And will you succeed? Yes indeed! Yes indeed! Ninety Eight and Three Quarters guarenteed!"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

time passing

So time has flown ...this last year has been a difficult one to say the least. The family drama, which I've kept off the blog.

I blocked my blog because of the family drama so that I could post my feelings about it. Then realized there is someone who reads it that I really need to explain what's happened. Since my phone doesn't dial long distance, and I didn't think reading it on the blog was appropriate ... I've left it off the blog.

I had my therapist uncerimoniously removed from me. (read back to post in April about being on a tightrope)

I had a doctor threaten me ...get back into therapy or find another doc.

So, I got back into therapy.

I left my beloved church of 11 years ...to have no one call and say "Is Don OK?" or a call that says "We'll miss you, but do what you need to do"

I knew I was leaving my church ... I did not know i'd lose my friends in the process.

I started school ...and struggled tremendously the first semester ..and got 4.0 the second.

My teeth continue to deteriorate ...the oral surgeon made it abundantly clear ... it was only bulimia that caused it. There is no medical condition or medication that caused it. I destroyed my teeth with builimia and bulimia alone.

I was diagnosed with gastroperesis ...a problem that often goes with diabetes, but can also becaused by builimia ... I don't have diabetes ...draw your conclusions.

the complications of the ED have been front and center ... and I've fought getting better.

But the realization that I'm 44 and need to have all my teeth taken out ... is a bit sobering.
I'm 44 and loosing all my teeth ...dentures at my age, at my own hand.

lots to ponder as May ends ... I'm moving toward recovery ..but I need to find out what exactly that means for me.
My therapist is concerned I see it as a destination, rather than a journey ... so I need to work on my mindset.
But it was either: recover or fully give into relapse and live that way.

i chose the moving forward ...


  1. Hello.Sorry to hear you are struggling. About the church try not to feel too bad. You could speed a week in the hospital wanting to die and never see anyone. I do not have your phone # so I can not call. Hope things are brighter soon.

  2. How are you doing? Is your mouth healing? Take care my friend! ((((SAFE HUGS)))))
