Dr. Suess

"And will you succeed? Yes indeed! Yes indeed! Ninety Eight and Three Quarters guarenteed!"

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Fun With Zippy

As I've shared a few times, I had the pleasure of the visit of a little lobster. He stayed with me for a few weeks while Dr. Rob went on vacation. So I got to take lots and lots and lots of pictures. (almost 100 in total! The last roll got turned in today to the photo lab!)

It was a lot of fun taking Zippy around town and asking people to pose with him. http://picasaweb.google.com/Peggikaye/FunWithZippy/photo#5216268753603093154Taking pictures of some of Tulsa's unique ..um ... landmarks. (large people?)But it was extra special to me, given that the cause lands near and dear to my heart.

Please take a few minutes and go and read Zippy's website. Start back at the beginning ... start at the first page and see Zippy's start ..and have fun with him ... and then go to Zippy's donation page and make a donation to help fight brain cancer. Then go and purchase some Zippy merchandise that says "Zippy loves kids"

Get the word out that Zippy loves kids!
Because Zippy never again wants to have to sit beside the grave of another child like Kylie's.