Dr. Suess

"And will you succeed? Yes indeed! Yes indeed! Ninety Eight and Three Quarters guarenteed!"

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Following Orders

Pearls and Dreams

I'm not quite sure how I made it through school, because I certainly can't follow directions.

I lost a day yesterday. I couldn't tell you what happened for anything. I only have vague recollections of Thursday, and hardly remember seeing my neurologist. (what is it about exacerbations that fool with my memory??? is it lack of breathing correctly & oxygen?)

So, today, I got up at 7 AM, got showered & dressed. My mom picked me up at 8:30 and we went to the church where we met several other people.

We took the church van up to a lake on a hill (Okies call it a mountain HAHAHAHAHA!!!!)

Then from 9 am to 4:30 pm, I sat in a church leadership conference.

I learned more than I could possibly imagined in that short of a period of time. I also learned that the word 'leadership' won't kill me (grin).

I don't know when, or how I'll progress, I just know, that for the first time in my 40 years, I am glad to be in leadership. I am glad to be a part of progression not following the leader, content to be in my own little stair in the middle of the stairs.

I'm looking forward to seeing the changes and growth in our church as the Pastors and staff hold us, the core leaders of the church to a higher standard, a higher expectation of being.

And tonight ... I am looking forward to my pillow!

Tomorrow, is the third month of Pipp Jr. For those who've not been reading long, PIPP is Pastor's Intercessory Prayer Partners.
Paul told the early church to pray for him that he could effectively share the gospel. So our church has a one on one prayers that the pastor's can have pray for specific needs. A year ago, it dawned on me, we should bge including children in this process. I waited for 8 months for the person in charge of Pipp to start it. Then, realizing it was MY dream, for MY child, talked with the children's pastor and started it. So, tomorrow, I take 17 children to pray for the pastor of our church.
I never thought I'd be so content to be in leadership. I never thought I'd be so excited to be on the front lines and not hiding in the back room serving quietly.

So, tonight, I go to sleep, and tomorrow, I go to church and come home and hope to not crash (grin) and then Monday, I go to yet, another doctor and set the date for my knee surgery. *YIKES!*
THEN I start following doctor's orders (I have a bridge I'd like to sell you!)

1 comment:

  1. PK!!!
    While this is absolutely wonderful, and I'm so proud to know you, and count you as a friend...

    You've GOT TO SLOW DOWN.

    Ok, feel better, having said that, I'm sure that you will do wonderfully tomorrow, and that your work will make a huge difference. Really am proud of you dearest one!

    Really wish you would slow down a little, because I'm worried that you'll be going from exacerbation to full blown flare up.

    praying over you dear one!
